
Your Message.

To write something, just type your name in the name field, enter a message and hit Enter. You can also change your user image by clicking on the Avatar.

The following short codes are supported:

  • [color=#ff0000]hex colour[/color]
  • [color=green]named colour[/color]
  • [color=#f00,#ff0]fg & bg[/color]
  • [b]bold text[/b]
  • [u]underlined text[/u]
  • [i]italicized text[/i]
  • [s]struck-out text[/s]
  • [q]quoted text[/q]
  • [sub]subscript[/sub]
  • [sup]superscript[/sup]
  • [center]centered text[/center]
  • [br] (line break)
  • [big]larger font[/big]
  • [small]smaller font[/small]
  • [class=custom]custom-styled text[/custom]
  • [code]fixed-width text[/code]
  • [url=http://url]text[/url]
  • [url]http://url[/url]
  • [img]http://img.jpg[/img]

You can find cool GIFs to include here. You have to catch one, right click on it and open in a new Tab to get the url which can then be included in an [img] code as described above.

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